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Terra X Lesch & Co LIVE: Das erste Foto von Sagittarius A*! Mit Reinhard Genzel und Anton Zensus

Forschenden ist es gelungen, ein Foto des supermassiven schwarzen Loches im Zentrum unserer Milchstraße zu machen – oder besser gesagt dessen Ereignishorizonts. Harald hat mit Nobelpreisträger Reinhard Genzel und Anton Zensus, der am EHT beteiligt ist, gesprochen.

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Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen - Bilder von Schwarzen Löchern von Anton Zensus

Ein Videos der #WiKoRaumfahrt 2022, der ersten deutschen Wissenschaftskonferenz.


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Big Techday 22: Making the Invisible Visible - Imaging Black Holes [EN] - Prof. Dr. J. Anton Zensus

Anton Zensus talks at the BigTech Day of TNG Corporation in Munich, “Making the Invisible Visible” – how the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration made the first images of Supermassive Black Holes and why that is important for science.

Anton Zensus spricht auf dem BigTech Day der Firma TNG in MĂĽnchen: “Making the Invisible visible” – wie die Event Horizon Telescope Kollaboration die ersten Bilder supermassiver Schwarzer Löcher machte.


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Radio Views: EHT Image of the Black Hole in SgrA* - MPIfR scientists tell the story

Special episode of RadioViews! RadioViews discusses with fellow astronomers about their latest science projects.


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European Southern Observatory (ESO): Unveiling Sgr A*, the black hole at the centre of our galaxy

On 12 May, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project held a press conference to present the first ever image of Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. Anton Zensus’ talk starting Minute 43:06.


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Meet the Bonn VLBI Group

Anton Zensus and members of his research group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy  describe their journey over more than 30 years, advancing astronomical imaging with VLBI at millimeter wavelengths and in space, and how they played a major role in the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, which made the first image of a black hole in the Galaxy M87.


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Lesch & Co Terra X

12. August 2020
Lesch & Co Terra X: Fragen und Antworten zu Schwarzen Löchern

Harald Lesch trifft Anton Zensus am Radioteleskop in Effelsberg und die beiden beantworten Fragen der YouTube Gemeinde zu Schwarzen Löchern und zum ersten Bild der Umgebung des Schwarzen Lochs in der Galaxie M87, das von der Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration gemacht wurde.

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Terra X: Im Sog des Schwarzen Lochs

In dieser ZDF Doku aus der Reihe Terra X: Faszination Universum erklärt Harald Lesch Schwarze Löcher und spricht mit Anton Zensus am 100m Radioteleskop in Effelsberg (Erstsendung am 27.9.2020).


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Chat with an Astronomer

Anton Zensus interviewed by doctoral researcher Laila Linke about his science and career.


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Talking Science

15. Juni 2020
“Talking Science”

Anton Zensus speaking about the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration and how he became an Astrophysicist. An interview with Erdem AdigĂĽzel at the University of Groningen Honours College.


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Cloud Unternehmer Tag

Kameha Grand Hotel, Bonn – 15 Januar 2020
Podiumsdiskussion “Gut-Besser-Exzellenz” mit Anton Zensus, Annette Lux, Jörg Haas, Michael Hoch, Tobias Kollmann und Hubertus Hille


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Cloud Unternehmer Tag

Kameha Grand Hotel, Bonn – 15 Januar 2020
Anton Zensus im Interview zur Exzellenz in der Forschung und zu Erfolgsfaktoren internationaler Zusammenarbeit 


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EHT 2019

European Commission, Berlaymont, Brussels – 10 April 2019
Anton Zensus, Founding Board Chair of the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, gives his Summary Remarks at the Press Conference announcing the first image of a black hole. The event was simulcast in six parallel press conferences in Brussels, Taipei, Tokyo, Santiago de Chile, Shanghai and Waschington-DC and numerous parallel events and the image reached a global audience.


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Frontiers of Science

Museum of Natural History, Mexico City – 28 February 2018
Keynote address by Anton Zensus and discussion with David Hughes


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European Southern Observatory (ESO)

This film explores the efforts that led to this historic image, from the science of Einstein and Schwarzschild to the struggles and successes of the EHT collaboration.


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Anton coordinates RadioNet – a collaboration of Europe’s premier radio astronomy facilities enabling cutting edge research.

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IMPRS for Astronomy & Astrophysics Bonn

In this film, the IMPRS for Astronomy & Astrophysics is looking for bright and motivated doctoral researchers. Interested? Apply here.Â